Home Concepts Managing Stress & Challenges Explanation Disorder 2.0

Explanation Disorder 2.0

2 min read

Types of Explanation

1. An opinion about something that’s physically occurring, has occurred, or is expected to occur
2. A direct or indirect self-justification
3. A direct or indirect justification for something or someone one is associated with.
4. A belief about something where you have faith in its existence
5. A statement designed to confirm a pre-existing point of view
6. A statement designed to comfort or reduce fear in the speaker or others
7. A statement designed to influence, manipulate, convince others in order to sell something – idea, product or service
8. A statement designed to keep people in power in power
9. A statement designed to entertain, as well as be accurate
10. A statement designed simply to entertain
11. A statement designed to distract attention from something else
12. A statement designed to produce internal enzymatic/ hormonal secretions that are comforting and addictive
13. A statement designed to affirm aspects of identity or behavior or attitude by which one has heretofore survived
14. Explanations that affirm, justify, legitimize or warrant cultural or systemic imperatives (rules of the game)
15. Statements which once believed, become the context of future thinking and action
16. Statements to make yourself look good and someone else look bad
17. Statements that make yourself right & others wrong
18. Statements that result in avoiding the domination of other points of view
19. Statements that make you feel less afraid
20. Statements that keep one from experiencing the future as scary
21. Statements that stop inquiry into the topic at hand
22. Statements that leave/assume boundaries are legitimately controlled by authorities
23. Statements, attitudes that suck/drain energy out of people or a system
24. Statements, norms, rules that suppress imagination, creativity, innovation
25. Statements that suppress fundamental domains of operating: being-doing-having, possibility-action-results
26. Explanations that suppress thinking, feeling, self expression
More types of explanations are welcome.

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