Home Concepts Strategy Future of Coaching Coaching Physicians: Part One

Coaching Physicians: Part One

8 min read

In this and the following issue, we’ve asked physicians who coach, coaches who coach physicians and physicians who have been coached to share their experience. We’ve also included brief essays from some of our Fellows – the medical students our coaches are coaching – to show you, with Fellows’ and coaches’ permission, the effects coaches are having on medical students.

As you will read, the early returns on A Whole New Doctor are strongly positive. In spring 2018 we will hold our kickoff workshop for Cohort 4.

And I have found my passion, my purpose, and my mission, rolled up into coaching and teaching. I am bringing more of the country doctor to my profession.

What is to Be Found in this Issue of Future of Coaching:

Read Sally Ourieff’s “Coaching in the Upside Down World of Health Care” for the backstory and tutorial on coaching physicians.

Read Joy Goldman and Petra Platzer’s “Meeting Clients Where They Are – the Adult Development Coaching GPS” for practical tips on coaching anyone.

Read Lubna Maruf’s “Impact of Medical Student Coaching in A Whole New Doctor” for a coach’s view on our medical student coaching program, A Whole New Doctor.”

Cliff Keyser and I wrote a how-to article on using Polarity Management to help your clients. And yourself. [Link our polarity article to Polarity Management.

One of the co-editors of this magazine (Bill Carrier) wrote about a phenomenon we see all too often in health care (and many other types of institutions): good judgment hardening into judgmental thinking. There are terrible sequelae for teams and personal relationships, — not to mention patient care.

I wrote “Develop a Coaching Culture” with four easy steps.

Learn Jack Penner’s (2018 Georgetown University School of Medicine graduate) experience with coaching, “The Power of ‘What Else?’”

Emory Buck is a medical student who offers her own experience as A Whole New Doctor Fellow in her essay “On Coaching and Self Care.”

For a compilation of articles by Nilesh, Cooper, Elizabeth, David and Greg, five of our A Whole New Doctor (medical student) Fellows, read “The Importance of Coaching in Creating A Whole New Doctor.” Tip: bring smiles.


Margaret Cary, MD, MBA, MPH, PCC

Guest Editor


[1] “On the surface, the aim of pimping appears to be Socratic instruction. The deeper motivation, however, is political. Proper pimping inculcates the intern with a profound and abiding respect for his attending physician while ridding the intern of needless self-esteem. Furthermore, after being pimped, he is drained of the desire to ask new questions – questions that his attending may be unable to answer.” From Grammarphobia


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