Home Concepts Strategy Future of Coaching New Advances in Mentor Coaching Field: A Competencies Applied Model

New Advances in Mentor Coaching Field: A Competencies Applied Model

8 min read


We hope this model supports the development of professional coaching.  By building a Model for Mentor Coaching Competencies we intend to provide clear expectations regarding effective behaviors for the Mentor Coaching practice. This model has already been used effectively to train Mentor Coaches in Latin America providing a clear framework and guidelines for training.



About the Authors

Dr. Damian Goldvarg is a Master Certified Coach (MCC), Coach Supervisor and Mentor Coach.  Since 2000, he has worked as an Executive Coach, Coach trainer and Leadership Consultant in more than 40 countries.  He is the Principal of the Goldvarg Consulting Group and the Immediate Past President for the International Coach Federation.

Laura Zuvanic is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and Certified Mentor-Coach. She has more than 20 years of experience on the field of national and international consultancy and executive coaching. Is Specialist in Human Resources (IDEA); Master in Social Sciences  (FLACSO) and Historian (UBA).

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One Comment

  1. Rey Carr

    November 12, 2015 at 8:05 pm

    The authors present a thorough model. But, lo and behold, why do they even include the term “mentor”? Read the article again and everytime the word mentor appears, either take it out or replace it with the word coach.

    This is the problem with the ICF’s approach to mentoring. It’s not aligned with any other viewpoint expressed by experts on mentoring. This model has little to do with mentoring and mostly to do with coaching. If the article makes just as much sense when the word mentor is removed, then the authors have really set up an unnecessary variant of coaches looking after their own professional development.


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