Home Leading Coaches Center Leading Coaches’ Mastermind Call Recording featuring Garry Schleifer, publisher of choice Magazine

Leading Coaches’ Mastermind Call Recording featuring Garry Schleifer, publisher of choice Magazine

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On June 8th, 2011 we had 12 callers join us as Garry Schleifer of choice magazine talked with us about his story of applying the things he’d learned in his previous multimillion dollar operations that he’s applying to coaching and to the building of his coaching publication.

He touched on collaboration and various gems of wisdom about his criteria for success and for choosing partners and collaborators that will be helpful in any business!

Click  below to listen to the recording!

If you don’t already subscribe to choice Magazine, you should stop reading this right now and go sign up!  It’s a beautiful, vibrant, value-packed publication for professional coaches, and it’s the brain child of a visionary coach and publisher named Garry Schleifer.

Garry spoke about The Story of Building a Coaching Publication from the ground up, Secrets of Success, Best Practices of Being Business People, and new ways of thinking about collaborating.

Want to more about choice Magazine?

choice, the magazine of professional coaching, celebrating over 7 years as the quarterly professional magazine committed to being the unbiased source of information about professional coaching.

It serves anyone who uses coaching, as well as those who are seeking information about professional development, human resources, management, personal & business dynamics & growth.

choice is recognized as bringing leading edge content, tools and support to the coaching industry.

choice is delivered anywhere in the world in print and/or electronic versions.

A must read for anyone using coaching in their lives and careers. www.choice-online.com

Garry Schleifer, PCC, is a business development coach specializing in working with people, primarily women, who own their own businesses. He uses his 23+ years of business experience to support his coaching.

Garry applies a signature approach of “Ruthless Compassion” when helping these   business owners.  His approach recognizes that challenging goals must be set and rigourously adhered to – but always with an innate sensitivity, good humour and non-judgement.

Garry’s “walk the talk” credentials draw from long experience as the visionary behind several multimillion-dollar corporations.

From concept in 1988, he built Synoptic Logistics Management – a distributor to corporations of point-of-sale marketing materials – into a business with $3.5 million in annual revenue.  He then planned and managed the merger of Synoptic with a competitor, becoming President of Dyment Distribution Services, the 100-employee, post-merger organization, in 1996.

In his coaching business, Garry has applied his experience to client engagements including Sysco Food Services Canada, Drake International, Dupar Controls, Street Haven Women’s Shelter and the United Nations World Food Program.

Garry earned his CPCC designation at one of the world’s foremost coach training and certification bodies, the Coaches Training Institute and is now a PCC (Professional Certified Coach) as designated by the ICF (International Coach Federation)

Along with Concept Synoptic Inc., he is also the Publisher of choice, the magazine of professional coaching,  www.choice-online.com distributed quarterly to subscribers in 28 countries.  Garry is Past-President of the Toronto Chapter Board of the ICF, served on the ICF International Board as Vice President and has served on the Board of Directors for several community-based organizations.

Garry lives and works in Toronto, Canada.

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