Home Magazines Caring Deeply Caring Deeply: Engaging the Four Roles of Life-Fulfilling Generativity

Caring Deeply: Engaging the Four Roles of Life-Fulfilling Generativity

20 min read

So . . . we welcome you once again to this series of essays on generativity and deep caring. Please find links below to each essay. We provide an essay approximately once each month.

Essay One: The Deep Caring Crossroads: A Life of Generativity or Stagnation

There are many choices available to each of us during a lifetime. These choices can lead us to a self-renewing life or to stagnation and decline. Many of these decisions concern the way and the extent to which we care about other people, our heritage and our community.

Essay Two: Four Ways to be Generative

While most theories of generativity and deep caring identify a specific stage in our life when we choose to be generative — or stagnant–we propose that there are four ways to be generative and that they can operate at any point in our life.

Essay Three: A Life of Deep Caring

We have choices to make. Do we choose generativity or stagnation? Do we undertake the risk of teaching and learning? Or do we accept the status quo and refuse to take a risk? When we are stagnant rather than generative we continue to do the same old thing.

Essay Four: Setting the Stage

Throughout our set of essays, we will draw on an analogy to theater and will describe four roles of generativity that can be played by anyone, at any point in their life.

Essay Five: Expanding and Extending Our Region of Care

Generativity is clearly a multi-dimensional concept with many different manifestations; nevertheless, we propose that each of the four roles tends to be center stage at a specific time in our life. Following is a preview of the prominent role of generativity being played most often at specific times in our life.

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