About the International Professional Coaching Publications Association
The IPCPA was formed to foster collaboration between the editors, publishers, and distributors of the highest quality professional publications in the coaching industry. The intention of this collaboration is threefold: (1) to enhance the credibility and standards of publications associated with coaching and related industries; (2) to benefit from lessons learned and wisdom gained by experienced professional publishers and editors; and (3) to act as peer coaches and mentors to each other in order to support and strengthen the innovative and unique aspects of each publication.
The founding executive board consists of the publishers of the Library of Professional Coaching, the Peer Bulletin magazine, and choice, the magazine of professional coaching. Core values include Stewardship, Service, Collaboration, Trust, and Generosity. Stewarding excellence in publications related to professional coaching, in service of our coaching community, and collaborating to advance the industry in a spirit of trust and generosity.
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Our First Collaborative Publication
In building the first association for coaching publishers, we wanted to begin with a tangible collaboration – a real contribution to the field of professional coaching. Curated 2016 was published in April and you can download it below at no cost using the red “download article” button. Articles were chosen not only because of their quality and insightful contribution to the field of professional coaching but also because they represent the diversified perspective for which each of these publications is noted. A total of 36 articles were selected, ranging in length from one to twenty-seven pages, and from the how-to-do-it of professional coaching to neuroscience and future science technology.
Our Executive Director
Rey Carr, in an early phase of his professional career, noticed the unwillingness of high school students to seek out adult professionals for help. Learning that the students turned to each other for support, Rey Carr established a peer coaching model for teens that was eventually used by almost every secondary school in Canada. He was the co- architect of Canada’s National Stay-in-School Mentoring Initiative that resulted in 30,000 mentors being paired with 100,000 students across Canada. Currently he is the CEO of Peer Resources and the senior editor of the Peer Bulletin. He was formerly a university professor, and has published numerous research papers, articles, and training manuals.
Executive Board of Directors
William Bergquist, Ph.D. An international coach and consultant, professor in the fields of psychology, management and public administration, author of more than 45 books, and president of a graduate school of psychology. Dr. Bergquist consults on and writes about personal, group, organizational and societal transitions and transformations. In recent years, Bergquist has focused on the processes of organizational coaching. He is co-founder of the International Journal of Coaching in Organizations, the Library of Professional Coaching and the International Consortium for Coaching in Organizations. His graduate school (The Professional School of Psychology) offers Master and Doctoral degrees to mature, accomplished adults in both clinical and organizational psychology.
Suzi Pomerantz, CEO of Innovative Leadership International, LLC is an award-winning executive coach and #1 bestselling author with 23 years experience coaching leaders and teams in 200+ organizations. Suzi specializes in leadership influence, helping executives and organizations find clarity in chaos. She was among the first awarded the Master credential from the ICF 18 years ago and is a thought leader serving on several Boards. Suzi designed the LEAP Tiered Coaching Program for leadership teams, founded the Leading Coaches’ Center and co-founded the Library of Professional Coaching: the world’s largest free online library for coaches. http://www.InnovativeLeader.com
Garry Schleifer, is a seasoned businessman and certified coach, bringing over 29 years experience to his coaching. His “walk the talk” credentials draw from experience as visionary behind several multimillion-dollar corporations. Applying an approach of “Ruthless Compassion” when helping his business owner clients. Challenging clients with rigorous goals, an innate sensitivity, good humour and non-judgment. He earned his coach credentials at Coaches Training Institute, Certified Mentor Coach certificate from invite CHANGE, and PCC from International Coach Federation (ICF). The owner and publisher of choice, the magazine of professional coaching, (www.choice-online. com) Past President of Toronto ICF Chapter, Vice President ICF Global Board and served on several, community-based boards. He lives with his husband Patrick in Toronto, Canada.