Home Marketing Best Practices Coaching Trends: 2022 Predictions

Coaching Trends: 2022 Predictions

24 min read

I think we don’t need to get tied up in knots about always being politically correct as I think that’s like trying to hit a moving target (please note that tis is my personal opinion).

I think we need to rather focus on our sensitivity and ability to deal with identity without judgment – which is quintessential to being a good coach.

I think we’re going to see a growth in interesting and expressive “face furniture”/glasses, more expressive make-up, men using facial hair to make personal statements, tattoos, earrings, necklines, ties – even face masks – becoming statements that speak for us.

Even hairstyles and hair colour will become part of how we tell the world what we identify with.

Digital/online coaching is becoming the mainstay of how coaching takes place compared with previous years. Various surveys show dramatic growth in online coaching, and I’m sure your own practice reflects this.

I think that coaching may become more democratised and widely available through a combination of virtual coaching and AI coaching.

Virtual coaching increases accessibility, is more time-efficient for coach and client, creates higher levels of flexibility and may make coaching more affordable.

I’m personally a HUGE fan of online/virtual coaching and can attest to the high quality of personal relationships that I’ve built with my clients.

If fact, I met one of my clients on my 12 week Marketing & Sales Accelerator programme for coaches for the FIRST time in person only after we had completed the online programme supported by virtual coaching.

We both remarked on how easy and familiar it felt to meet in person after having built up an online relationship over the 12 weeks.

We see this with online dating where people meet virtually and go on to have relationships n person.

Why shouldn’t it translate into the coaching world – the ability to build great relationships?

Connectivity, technological and access issues aside, the hybrid workplace is here to stay.

It’s encouraging to know that there is research showing that digital coaching is as effective as in-person coaching. Facetime is what is most important, combined with the quality of relationships.

A study by Berry (2011) showed that virtual coaching is as effective as in-person coaching provided the coach is a skilled virtual coach

What makes a skilled virtual coach?

  • Facetime – in other words keeping video on
  • Meaningful relationships
  • Empathy, emotion, honesty
  • A triangle of TRUST, BOND and RELATIONSHIP

These all feed each other to make the online/virtual experience worthwhile. Our challenge is creating and delicately balancing these.

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  1. Barbara Walsh

    January 13, 2022 at 6:07 am

    Good article Megan… I wonder how many coaches take time to watch the trends, or for that matter, coaching organisations and training companies. The industry is changing rapidly, right under our noses!


    • Megan

      January 19, 2022 at 11:18 am

      Thanks Barbara. You make a good point, and certainly there are things that forward-looking professionals need to start being aware of. Also, with so much competition in the market, we need to differentiate ourselves and offer as much value to our clients as possible.


  2. Teri-E Belf

    August 2, 2022 at 2:40 pm

    excellent article Megan. I did a keynote for ACTO a few years ago and 1/2 of it was about the future of coaching. You have just updated me for which I am grateful. I love your personalized writing style. Thank you so much, Teri-E Belf


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