7. Thinking Center, or your prefrontal cortex, is located in the very front of your brain, above and behind your forehead. It allows you to think logically, make decisions, and self-regulate. Once you make a decision, it organizes resources in your brain to help make it happen. The voice of the Thinking Center is: “I’m in charge here, and once I focus my attention on a goal, I can figure out what to do.”
8. GABA is a neurochemical that calms us down and helps us relax our bodies and emotions. Imagining our Thinking Center sending GABA juice to our Threat Center is beneficial.
Let’s now imagine a conversation in your brain when you encounter a threat.
Scene 1
You log on to Zoom for a meeting to share progress on a product. Your boss’ face appears. You start giving an update on your product. Your boss interrupts you.
No, you are doing that all wrong.
Threat Detector (in a deep threatening voice)
Danger, Will Robinson, Danger.
Learning Librarian (in a scared voice)
I spoke up to my father once and got smacked
Habit Central (in a sure voice)
“I never challenge a boss, or anyone for that matter.”
Sensory Emotion Spotter (a pained voice)
I’m feeling a pain in my stomach
Cortisol walks in and sprays a thick, red, toxic substance all over everything. You do and say nothing.
Hiding and cowering behind a wall are Optimism Center and Thinking Center. GABA is nowhere to be found. All are frozen in place.
You say nothing.
How to Use the Worksheet, Part 2, What’s Happening In Your Brain
Now it’s your turn to fill in the worksheet. Take your actual situation and fill in the conversation you imagine might be occurring. If you can do this with a partner, all the better. You could also use this as a framework in your client coaching work.
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