George: [pause] Yeah, I did.
Steve: Now return your focus back to the rescuer part. Really feeling your contact with this one again, and noticing how do you feel towards this part now?
Comment: Asking, “how do you feel toward this part?” is a way of checking for Presence.
George: [pause] Still.
Steve: You feel still?
George: Yeah. Like I’m picturing myself, I’m sitting at a bit of a distance from him and kind of just watching him with some curiosity.
Steve: And do you feel like you can be with this part, from this stillness without any need to change him?
Comment: This is yet another way to check for Presence. Presence is always a capacity to be with parts, exactly as they are, with no agenda to change them.
George: Yeah.
Comment: I have now established that George is relating to his rescuer part from Presence, which has no change agenda. In this case, Presence is arising as stillness, which is very palpable in the relational field between us. The rescuer part is activated, and George is relating to him from Presence. The conditions are now set to create an experiential mismatch.
Steve: Let’s check in with the part to see how he feels today. Maybe you could just ask him, “How are you feeling, right now?”
George: Yeah. [long pause] Just as I sit with it, it is starting to be able to catch its breath. That sense of panic seems to be slowly subsiding.
Steve: It’s beautiful what can happen when your parts feel in relationship with you as Presence.
George: I’m not asking it to do anything either.
Comment: George likely notes this because relating to this part in this way is different from how he usually relates to his rescuer part.
Steve: That’s right.
George: I think that’s the thing. This part believes that people have so many expectations of him. Being here with no expectations of him is helping him settle.
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