Home Research Neurosciences: Brain & Behavior The Neuroscience of Enduring Transformation

The Neuroscience of Enduring Transformation

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The essential structure of each method, no matter which depth it operates at, is a three-part gesture: 1) inquiring, 2) unfolding, and 3) enacting. I discovered that these three gestures had a unique way of functioning at each depth. From this, I articulated the twelve unfolding moments which incorporate the essential methods of the exemplars for each depth.


The Four DepthsAletheia CoachingInquiringUnfoldingEnacting
Depth of PartsParts WorkIdentifyingDisidentifyingLoving/Valuing
Depth of ProcessProcess WorkContactingBeing-withFeeling-Saying
Depth of PresencePresence WorkBeholdingBeing-WholenessUnfolding-Completeness
Depth of NondualityNondual WorkAwakeningRealizingIlluminating

Figure 2: The Twelve Unfolding Moments of Aletheia Coaching

The method of Aletheia Coaching is inspired by these exemplars yet doesn’t exactly implement any of them in their original forms. The result is an original method that integrates know-how and wisdom from each exemplar in a form that creates a seamless integration of four methods, Parts Work, Process work, Presence Work, and Nondual Work, into one method, Aletheia Coaching.

It is common for the coach and client to access two or three depths in a single coaching conversation. Using Aletheia Coaching, the transition between depths and ways of working is rarely noticed by clients. With this method, the coach has a skillful way to artfully lead and follow the client’s exploration of their direct experience in a way that reactivates existing emotional learnings, easily creates experiential mismatches, and generates new learnings that erase and/or edit them, powerfully supporting the client’s deepening development in an effortlessly enduring way.

Each of the twelve unfolding moments is an expression of a particular quality of presence. In the mature form of practice, as more and more qualities of presence are unconcealed and embodied, the method becomes an unfolding of presence by presence itself, rather than a series of methodological steps the coach and client take. When this occurs, the client’s development undergoes a kind of quickening that accelerates ego transformation.

Deepening into the Depth of Nonduality occurs more rarely than experiences of the three shallower depths. Nevertheless, it is important to include this depth within the range of the method and coach training because clients can spontaneously drop into Nondual states in this style of coaching. This has been repeatedly demonstrated by coaches in the Aletheia Advanced Coaching Program, even including coaches at Level 1.

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