Home Research Case Studies Coaching Project for Student Success: Impact and Insights

Coaching Project for Student Success: Impact and Insights

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  II.        Participants’ learnings and insights for future application

The second important aspect of observation was to identify the key elements that the participants vowed to make better or adopt to become a better version of themselves,

The responses gathered against this question placed into 4 groups:

  1. 4 out of the 15 individuals emphasized becoming better with managing their time and utilizing it in places where it meant most important and more rewarding.
  2. 5 out of the 15 respondents answered in becoming more confident about certain aspects of their personality.
  3. 4 out of the 15 participants responded with now having the knowledge to understand the importance of being grateful in life, see the positive sides, and have an optimist approach with regards to their future.
  4. Only 2 out of the 15 participants were of the opinion to have found nothing to make better in themselves or the way they perceived their surroundings and future goals and objectives.
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