Home Research Coaching Surveys Aha! Moments: Reasons for Emergence and Their Implications in Improving the Efficacy of Coaching

Aha! Moments: Reasons for Emergence and Their Implications in Improving the Efficacy of Coaching

13 min read

4. Willingness of the coaches to change the way they coach and coach only to that specific reason on becoming aware of the reasons for the emergence of an AHA moment: 38% of the coaches indicated willingness, 36% indicated that they would not coach only to a specific outcome and 26% of the coaches did not respond to the question.

5. What will change for the coaches and how the coaches will use the new information or knowledge? 81% indicted that they will coach to their existing natural style and model and use the newly gained knowledge as and when required. 13% indicated that they would use their existing process / model but incorporate the new knowledge consciously in your coaching process every time they coach.  Significantly, none of the coaches (0%) said that they will coach consciously and specifically for a particular outcome. 6% did not respond.

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