Home Research Coaching Surveys Aha! Moments: Reasons for Emergence and Their Implications in Improving the Efficacy of Coaching

Aha! Moments: Reasons for Emergence and Their Implications in Improving the Efficacy of Coaching

13 min read

7. What will change for them (coaches)? Here, the coaches were asked to assume that they were provided with consolidated information collected as a result of a study. Overall the response from the coaches was that they would incorporate the new body of knowledge in their natural style/process of coaching.

What will change?

Reason: Emergence of clarity in thought

How they will incorporate the new knowledge

• Create lists of questions that generate clarity in thoughts for clients and these questions to speed up the process of successful results

• Reiterating the AHA discovery as it is often lost once they leave the coach and go back to real life.

• If I knew there was a tool that could help clients’ w/clarity, I would share that with.

• Asking thought provoking questions

Reason: Recognition of new tools/resources

How they will incorporate the new knowledge

• Receive training on use and application on new tool/resource to be able to provide clients greatest assistance to be successful.

• When a client recognizes a new tool, we help them use it and provide clarity to incorporate it in their daily life.

• Will deliberately make these available to my clients.

• Will provide my clients with new tools to help them.

• Incorporating new tools / resources

• Will be seen as a fresh opportunity

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