Home Research Coaching Surveys Aha! Moments: Reasons for Emergence and Their Implications in Improving the Efficacy of Coaching

Aha! Moments: Reasons for Emergence and Their Implications in Improving the Efficacy of Coaching

13 min read

Qualitative/textual responses

6. Reasons for successful outcomes The textual responses to the coaching on what lead in particular in to successful outcomes (e.g. goals / resolving concerns, etc.) are summarized below. Analysis of the reasons indicates that powerful questioning is by far the most quoted reason followed by reframing, listening and providing a non-judgmental and trusting space. Building self awareness and accountability are other commonly quoted reasons. It is interesting to note that both the clients a well as coaches see powerful questioning as the prime reason.


• Clarity in my coach.

• Powerful questions that helped change perspectives

• Clarification of the goal statement

• Accountability from my coach

• Reframe the existing situation

• Unravel the underlying belief

• Questions that helped me to reframe my perspective or discover an underlying belief.

• Reframing has been the most consistent tool a coach has used

• Powerful questions

• I appreciate having an accountability partner and someone who provides me with acknowledgement.

• Being coached, where I became aware of what’s coming in the way of me achieving something

• A very simple question.

• Building a safe relationship

• Questions that have helped me look just that little bit deeper

• The Silence provided after questioning leading to the emergence of many solutions to the prevalent issues.

• Coach being non-judgmental

• Powerful questions, great listening skills, visualizations, accountability,

• Powerful questioning

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