Two of the founders of the original project, Francine Campone and Deepa Awal, reported on results from one qualitative question in the first questionnaire. This report is contained in their 2012 article published in Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice (Campone and Awal, 1012). We referenced the findings from their report in our own discussion in the articles we have published
With 76 questions in each of the coaching surveys, there are many areas in which to concentrate in this study In reports that have already been prepared and published in the Library of Professional Coaching, we provide results from many of the 74 questions, as well as offer more detailed analyses about relationships between responses to these questions — including the potential differences in responses between various demographic groups and correlations between responses to various questions. We will also offer more advanced statistical analyses (multiple regression and factor) as we seek to provide a more comprehensive and systemic portrait of the respondents’ sense of their own development as coaches.
An invitation
There is much more to be done in the analysis and reporting of findings from this important study of professional coaching. We also might wish to follow this study up with another (perhaps more widely distributed, with higher percentages of completion). Would you be interested in joining our research team and co-author one or more of the reports, based on analyses that you help to perform? If you are interested, please contact William Bergquist, co-curator of the Library of Professional Coaching and director of the Development of Coaches Research Project.
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