Home Research Evidence Based Large-Scale Team Coaching Initiative Creates Sustainable Change

Large-Scale Team Coaching Initiative Creates Sustainable Change

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Increase in Engagement

The first significant finding was in the engagement scores, which showed a statistically significant increase between the pre-Team Advantage survey and the post. Employee engagement usually recognizes three components – people are engaged because (1) they love their job, what they do on a daily basis; (2) they believe in the company, its mission, leadership, products and direction; and (3) they respect and enjoy the people working with them. Of these three factors, the one that is most externally affected by an experience like Team Advantage is the third aspect of engagement. And in fact, that is what was discovered.

The specific engagement statement, “the people I work with adapt easily to new ways of doing things” increased by over 25 percentage points among Team Advantage participants. For this study it was one of five engagement questions that made up the engagement “score,” and although one other question, “Leaders communicate a vision of the future that motivates me,” also increased, another question actually decreased, “Considering everything, I am satisfied with the company at present.”

Team Advantage is for any leader with a team and a goal. It’s a proven process, with challenges and rewards, that will drive your team past typical corporate objectives to new levels of engagement and commitment. You can transform your team — and your organization — with Team Advantage.
– Ken Blanchard,
Co-author of The One Minute Manager®
and Leading at a Higher Level

(The remaining two questions were unchanged during this period.) The conclusion from reviewing these responses is that engagement, as defined by the client company, increased among Team Advantage participants, largely due to the positive change in the way they viewed the other people working with them. And the positive increases in how they viewed their coworkers and leaders were substantial enough to improve the overall engagement score and offset a corresponding decline in satisfaction with the company.

Increase in Leadership Behaviors

The second significant finding was in the leadership behaviors. Six were behaviors deemed essential by the company (flexibility, customer centricity, change readiness, people development, collaborative relationships and commitment to improvement) and six were from Team Advantage (self-awareness, communication, ownership attitude, collaboration, comfort in chaos and interdependency). The behavior change was measured by asking questions that found out how participants behaved or thought in certain circumstances. The improvements demonstrated by the research showed that seven areas significantly improved: flexibility, customer centricity, change readiness, people development, collaborative relationships, communications and interdependency. In other words, participants were more likely to act and think in ways that positively demonstrated these seven behaviors after they had gone through the Team Advantage experience than before. For the remaining five behaviors, none declined; they simply did not demonstrate a statistically significant improvement.

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