Home Research Evidence Based Large-Scale Team Coaching Initiative Creates Sustainable Change

Large-Scale Team Coaching Initiative Creates Sustainable Change

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Phase 1 sets the stage for Team Advantage. A coach works hand-in-hand with the team leader and establishes a coaching relationship, develops an understanding of the business, assesses the team for readiness, and surveys all team members to understand their dynamics and challenges. Phase 2 is a more traditional “team building” exercise in that the team gathers at a live venue for two days to develop a plan based on an extraordinary business goal. The meeting includes other elements specific to the Team Advantage process, and the end product is a team unified in their direction, enthusiastic about their newfound awareness and communication, and on track with a concrete plan for the next four months.

Coaching — the Secret Advantage

Phase 3 is where Team Advantage is even more unique and, therefore, more effective than traditional team building. This is the coaching phase during which team development is solidified. The coach (or coaches, which includes internal and external coaches) continues to work with the team leader and the team for a four-month period. Teams become accountable for their plan, and the coach is able to serve as an outside voice and observer for actions that take place during the process. They coach the team around everything that shows up — communication issues, accountability, ownership of the plan, engagement or lack thereof, conflicts with team members and/or the team leader, and maintenance of momentum toward the extraordinary goal. The role of the coach is critical to the achievement of the team’s identified goal, and this accountability ensures that the benefits gained in the live workshop become long-term gains for team development.

The final phase of Team Advantage is a celebration stage that is actually incorporated throughout the program. Teams become accustomed to acknowledging each other and celebrating even the smallest of wins.

Researching Results

The success of Team Advantage has been obvious by looking at the business goals achieved by teams using the process and the many positive comments following the experience. In 2011, research was conducted that further proved the effect of Team Advantage on team behavior. A researcher investigated the impacts of Team Advantage on 24 teams that were part of a large commercial sales organization. The results of the research confirmed the potential of Team Advantage to positively impact a company.

The research project looked at the impact on employee engagement and on 12 leadership behaviors: half that were deemed mission critical by the company and six behaviors determined to be important indicators for Team Advantage. The 24 teams included 255 individual participants; all were sent a survey prior to participation in Team Advantage, an identical survey upon completion of the program, and a third survey about three months after completion of Team Advantage.

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