Cheri Tree ∙ High achievers should be assessed at the very least with a triangular approach, meaning at least three different perspectives. The personal interview is still known scientifically as the best assessment; however, self-report assessments, peer and leader assessments, and KSA tests should also be employed based on the job description.
Q: What is the validity of managing/confronting blind spots through assessment?
Tricia Nadoff ∙ 360 assessments are highly effective at managing and confronting blind spots. Leaders are often surprised to see the variation among their observer ratings as well as between observer ratings and their self-ratings. Initial reactions often include a statement such as “they don’t know the real me.” The wisest response to this statement is “the questionnaire did not ask your observers to describe the real you” but rather the questionnaire asked your observers to describe their perceptions of you as a leader.
We often tell leaders that it doesn’t matter whether you are a creative thinker or feel empathetically, when it comes to being a leader if your observers don’t experience these things from you then, in fact, you are not seen as an innovative leader or as an empathetic leader. For leadership to be realized it must be seen heard and experienced by the leader’s constituents. So blind spots are a beautiful opportunity for gaining greater self-awareness and building stronger intentionality in one’s approach to leadership.
Shreya Sarkar-Barney ∙ If a leader disagrees with the scores explaining the evidence-based origin of the assessment helps shift the focus from accuracy to what it means for the individual.
Barbara Singer ∙ Some of the many negative factors that result from blind spots include: isolating/withdrawing; not asking for feedback from those who can tell you the difficult truth; making decisions based on fears; pleasing people (wanting to be liked/accepted at your own expense); being impatient; demonstrating anger that is more than the situation calls for; loss of humor and playfulness; distorting reality; not synthesizing all the available data/facts into a good course of action; missing key themes/patterns when making a decision, forgetting to assess how people will be impacted and adjust accordingly; failing to act because you fear failing; winning at all costs — others get hurt; not clearly understanding how others perceive you; and or not being clear in your intentions.
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