Home Leadership Lean Six Sigma Must Be A Waste Of Energy

Lean Six Sigma Must Be A Waste Of Energy

13 min read

I see these roles as:

– The Leader; this person’s role in the organization is Strategic, with their vision set beyond the horizon. Their primary responsibility is to build a vision for the organization and to communicate that vision to all who are either directly or indirectly involved. It is important to distinguish between the Leader being a “position” held by an individual versus a Leader who has the role of creating the “vision”. They may be one and the same, but it’s not necessarily so. Being strategically oriented, the Leader (by definition and by necessity) should remain focused on defining and refining the goals to be most effective and not be distracted by the details that are in the realm of Tactician or Logistic.

– The Practitioner; this person’s role in the organization is more Tactical, with an orientation on implementing the Strategy. They have first-hand knowledge of the vision set by the leader (or should have), and their responsibility is primarily to apply discrete skillsets and manage the resources required in the realization of opportunities which are in alignment with the Leader’s vision. It is important that the Practitioner remain focused on plan development and deployment to be most effective in this role, and to not get dragged into the actual execution.

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