Strategies for Change

28 min read


Freedman, Thomas (2007) The World is Flat 3.0. New York: Picador/MacMillan.

Havelock, Ronald G. and Others (1971) Planning for Innovation through the Dissemination and Utilization of Scientific Knowledge. Ann Arbor: Institute for Social Research.

Kuhlenschmidt, Sally (2010) Issues in Technology and Faculty Development, Kay Gillespie and Douglas Robertson (Ed.) Guide to faculty development.  San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Lindquist, Jack (1978) Strategies for Change. Berkeley, CA: Pacific Soundings Press.

Parsons, Talcott and Platt, Gerald (1973) The American University. Cambridge, CA: Harvard University Press.

Rogers, Everett (2003) Diffusion of Innovations (5th Ed.) New York: Free Press.

Smick, David (2008) The World is Curved: Hidden Dangers to the Global Economy. New York: Penguin

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