Release the Butterfly

3 min read

Reach in & reverse the old programming

Most adults go through the day in autopilot mode with no sense of embracing the moment. This zombie like status can be reversed by tapping into the power within. Flick that switch on to release your butterfly! The act of finding your wings and power produces a positive shift in the state of your thinking, increases levels of motivation and makes it possible to reach within the core structure of the DNA to uproot negative blocks. Advanced monopolizing of the decoding of your butterfly DNA allows emergence of your latent talents and strength. As children we borrow perceptions from the adults around us; perceptions which inevitably become deeply embedded into our subconscious without us even realizing it. In the process some of our core strengths disappear to the bottom of the iceberg.  .

Change and metamorphosis occurs in stages, so the idea is to start from where you are and with what you have. For example, maybe you want to start teaching yoga in your community. Hence your starting point will be; I know yoga very well because I have been studying and practicing it for many years and I also know a group of people who are keen to learn yoga. So your next step would be to offer yoga lessons to these people and you could do this from the comfort of your garden.

Decoding your butterfly DNA will set the trend for a positive ripple effect. Those annoying pebbles which always seem to get stuck in your shoes will magically fall out; hence antiquated beliefs and practices no longer take a lead role. Loving what you do is the all time catalyst to magic. Cultivate your strength and create a daily mantra that works for you. There is no time like the present to turn your struggles and challenges into opportunities that spurt growth and the answers lie within you.

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