Home Tools and Applications Training Guided Design: A Powerful Tool for Training Professional Coaches

Guided Design: A Powerful Tool for Training Professional Coaches

14 min read

Phase Two-B: Comparative Analysis

Instructions: As you did in Phase One-B, compare your proposed actions with those listed below (and those taken by other guided design teams).  Identify the strengths and weaknesses associated with each of the options described below (and those offered by other guided designs).  Once again, indicate the unique strengths associated with your own proposed action. Discuss in your guided design group (and with other guided design groups).

Option One

Focus with Susan on her performance as the facilitator of the task-force meetings. How can she effectively manage the conflict and make more constructive use of the differing styles and cultural perspectives manifest in the task-force meetings.

Option Two

Prepare Susan to confront her boss and members of the Inter-Global Executive Team about work-load and about access to additional resources (staff time, training, etc.)

Option Three

Confront Susan about the priorities she has established in her current life: Does this work make sense, given other priorities in her life? Where does she gain the most satisfaction? What have been the best moments in her work life since this assignment began?

Option Four

Assist Susan in determining if she should (and how she could) encourage other members of the task-force to “step up” and assume more responsibility for the work-load and for managing the conflicts and differing styles and cultures operating in the task force meeting.

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