Home Tools and Applications Training Guided Design: A Powerful Tool for Training Professional Coaches

Guided Design: A Powerful Tool for Training Professional Coaches

14 min read

Phase Three-A: Three Months Later

Instructions: As in Phase One-A and in Phase Two-A, please read the following addition to the case study of Susan and discuss in your guided design group.

The task force is working effectively and its members are assuming more responsibility for task force operations and for the resolution of conflicts that arise during task force meetings. Members of the task force seem to “own” the process and the task force outcomes. They are excited about preparing a final report for the Executive Team. A preliminary set of recommendations contained in a larger report (50 pages in length) is now being prepared and will be presented in written form and as an oral report to members of the Inter-Global Executive Team.

Susan has found your coaching sessions to be quite helpful. You have met every two weeks for one to two hours and have established an effective, trusting relationship. Susan credits you with making a real difference in terms of her effectiveness in working with the task force.

Susan is now concerned about how she can most effectively get this report and the preliminary recommendations made in the report to the Executive Team. How can she get the “buy-in” from key members of the Inter-Global Executive Team?

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