Home Tools and Applications White Paper: 5 Steps to Close 5 Figure Engagements

White Paper: 5 Steps to Close 5 Figure Engagements

11 min read

• What becomes possible for you if you can solve this problem and have a fully engaged team?

• What would it mean for the growth of your company? Your profits? • How would your time change?
• Your stress level?
• What would your future look like if you could solve this issue?

• How would you feel?

It is with these questions that you will make the sale, and lock your client in as a client. Once they’ve tasted the future, it’s too sweet. They are ready to hire you….almost.

Now you have one more hurdle to cross. You have to prove that you have an efficient, effective way to solve their problem. The fact is that people hire a professional because that professional provides a clear path to success.

Even if, as coaches, we let clients direct the process and find their own insights, our clients still expect more from us. They want to know that we have tools, methods, and processes to bring them value and specific, measurable results.

That’s where coaching toolkits come in.

STEP 4: Explain your framework and the benefits it can provide

The final step before closing the engagement is to propose your plan for how you can solve your client’s problem. You now have all the information you need on what exactly the issues are, and how much it’s costing your client and organization.
Now you can swoop in with your model to enable your client and their staff to work their way out of their rut. Set their expectations from the beginning about how specifically you can help – i.e. how many parts there are to your methodology, how that methodology is designed specifically for the issues they are experiencing, and the sort of time frame they would be looking at. Make sure that you can execute on whatever you are promising to your client, so your confidence will put both you and your client at ease.

In the above situation, I let the client know that I had a proven methodology to help him better engage and mobilize employees. I explained the approach, how we might work together, and how it would specifically apply to the issues he had shared. He said, “That’s exactly what I am looking for!” Note that engagements focused on this toolkit and solution typically run between six and nine months, and cost $20,000 to $35,000 for leaders of growing organizations. That’s for one hourly meeting per week to start, with the option to go to bi-weekly meetings after a few months of prog- ress.

Things to remember when outlining your coaching approach. Make sure that:

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