Home Bookstore Outsmart Your Brain: How To Make Success Feel Easy – by Dr. Marcia Reynolds – A Sample Chapter

Outsmart Your Brain: How To Make Success Feel Easy – by Dr. Marcia Reynolds – A Sample Chapter

50 min read

The first chapter of Outsmart Your Brain: How to Make Success Fell Easy, by Dr. Marcia Reynolds, lays out the case for being emotionally aware at work. It then goes into how the brain processes input and what triggers emotions. Finally, the chapter includes exercises coaches can use with their clients to help them become emotionally aware as the first step toward emotional mastery. Copyright © 2004 by Marcia Reynolds.  Click the red button below to download the chapter.


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Chapter 1:  WHO’S IN CHARGE?

The Power of “I Want To”

In my last corporate position, I was hired as the organizational training manager for a semiconductor corporation, responsible for the “people side of business.” I developed courses in leadership development, personal effectiveness and team success. After six months, my boss told me the company had decided that I should also manage all aspects of factory training.

I balked.

I had no clue about what went on in the factory. I had no previous experience in this industry and I had successfully evaded anything in my education that could be termed technical. I also knew that the trainers who had previously been managed by manufacturing, been bumped to process engineering and finally to human resources before ending up in my lap. This had to be a drain on their morale.

My boss answered my concerns by saying, “Don’t worry. It’s a no-brainer. It’s just three women who come to work, do their jobs, then go home.”

The hair on my back bristled. When was managing anyone a “no-brainer?” I reluctantly accepted the responsibility, hoping to at least provide the three trainers with a more permanent home.

Planning to employ the techniques I taught in my management classes, I scheduled an appointment with each one. The first trainer, Cathy, came into my office. As she sat, I asked, “So tell me, what is your vision?”

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