Merlin's power comes from the ability to see both sides fully -- to hold opposites in the mind with equal attention. This takes commitment and practice, and is as much about physical realities as about relationships.
CHARLES E. SMITH Ph.D is Executive Editor of the Journal of Collaborative Innovation in the Library of Professional Coaching. A highly-experienced Futurist, Author, and Executive Coach, current interests are in deep dives into the nature of Collaborative Innovation, conscious conversations, and engaging large numbers of kindred spirits and businesses. For fifty years, he has been a personal and leadership coach and organizational behavior consultant stimulating breakthrough thinking, culture change and seemingly impossible results. A graduate of the Boston Public Latin School, Charlie holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Relations from Harvard College, an MBA from the Harvard Business School, a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Case Western Reserve University, and a Certificate in Gestalt Methods from the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland. He was Visiting Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at Sir George Williams University in Montreal, former President of the Harvard-Radcliffe Club of New Mexico, and Editor of Transformation Magazine published by the Library of Professional Coaching. Dr. Smith has written three books, "The Merlin Factor, Leadership and Strategic Intent” "Navigating from the Future," “Don’t be a Noddle in Someone Else’s Soup” and many articles located in the Library of Professional Coaching and Eruditio, a Journal of the World Academy of Art and Science.
Merlin's power comes from the ability to see both sides fully -- to hold opposites in the mind with equal attention. This takes commitment and practice, and is as much about physical realities as about relationships.
My Doctor says that results are dangerous. I was aware of so many peoples’ lives in companies, agencies, communities and families drowning in real and failed expectations of results.
Perhaps we have not found the right God. In that case, humanity has been living out the implications of the American Gary Larsen’s cartoon which says that, “Before he discovered his true purpose in life, Robin Hood would rob from the rich and give to the porcupines.” This sounds like the human race.
Four Stages of Excellence (SOE) define the characteristics of best practices of change management.
The future changes every time you look at It, because you looked at it, and then everything else changes too.
What Performance, Relationship, Innovation and Values have in common is that each is an arena for enhancing, focusing, or suppressing peoples’ energy.
“Coachability” is the willingness to be coached, to listen, to respect instruction and act on it. Coaching (another set of eyes) lets you see what’s missing which, if you act on it, could make a big difference.
If most of my planning had made no difference, what did make a difference? Was most of the world’s strategy and planning really bunk, no more than a way of suppressing anxiety about the future?
There are two parallel worlds in a business. There is the world of technology, machines, objects and design, and the simultaneous world of people’s feelings, relationships, and whatever animates their spirit and moves them to cooperate.
I'm all for suppressing terrorists and their supporters, any way we can. I'm also for taking responsibility for alleviating the conditions that cause them to be this way wherever that is possible.
Janet Locane: Thanks...