My Favorite Forms of Resistance
(worksheet…you have to download the chapter by clicking the button below to get the worksheets)
Daily practice: becoming comfortable with discomfort
One of the most effective ways to become comfortable with discomfort involves conscious practice. Keep a current, running list of things that stretch you out of your comfort zone and move you toward your best self at the same time. Then, regularly engage in those activities.
As the discomfort becomes comfortable or actually dissolves, then add new uncomfortable activities to the list, stretching yourself further.
Some of my stretches
- Asking someone for help.
- Trying a new food.
- Pushing myself beyond where I’ve been in my yoga practice.
- Introducing myself to someone new.
- Dreaming bigger.
- Learning a new technical skill.
Of course, things that go beyond my comfort zone may come naturally for you. To begin, on your Comfortable with Discomfort pages, make yourself a list of 20 possible things to do that stretch you, make you stronger. Then, each day, pick something from your list, take a deep breath and begin to become friends with the Unknown – the place where all dreams begin!
Comfortable with Discomfort
(worksheet – access by downloading chapter)
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