Home Bookstore Conflict Management Coaching: The CINERGY Model – A Sample Chapter

Conflict Management Coaching: The CINERGY Model – A Sample Chapter

39 min read

• Clients come to conflict management coaching with the
objective of changing some aspect of their conflict behavior;
or, they may want to manage or resolve a dispute with
another person. The situation may be in the past, the
present or the anticipated future.
• The principles that support the CINERGY™ model of
conflict management coaching derive from the three pillars
of coaching, mediation and neuroscience. These foundational
components support clients in making the changes they seek.
• Although some practices and principles of mediation are
similar to those of the CINERGY™ model of conflict
management coaching, mediation and coaching are different
processes. The outcomes chat individual clients desire from
coaching are usually different from what two parties want
and expect when participating in mediation.
• The concepts that informed the development of the
CINERGY™ conflict management coaching model have
their roots in proven principles and practices. They resonate
for coaches, mediators, ombudsmen, HR professionals,
lawyers, psychologists, leaders, union representatives and
others who aim to help people optimize their potential for
successfully finding their way through conflict in their
personal and professional lives.

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