Home Bookstore Conflict Management Coaching: The CINERGY Model – A Sample Chapter

Conflict Management Coaching: The CINERGY Model – A Sample Chapter

39 min read

Coaching is a transformative process for personal and professional
awareness, discovery and growth. 4

The Association for Coaching (AC), another international organization,
defines coaching as
[a] collaborative solution-focused, results-oriented and systematic
process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of
work performance, life experience, self-directed learning and
personal growth of the coachee. 5

How Does Coaching Work?
Coaching is a results-oriented process that helps clients work through
any challenges to achieving change, including their self-limiting beliefs.

To perform the coaching role effectively, coaches create a nurturing
and safe environment. Together with each client, they co-create the
coaching relationship.

Coaches follow either a specific or a general model chat guides che
process, aimed at moving clients along a continuum from where they
are to where they want to be. This is done by way of an informal dialogue
within which coaches ask clients strategic questions aimed at
increasing their self-awareness. Coaches acknowledge clients’ situations,
provide observations and challenge them to move out of their comfort
zones co reach their goals. They offer clients inspiration, motivation,
support and feedback to facilitate their success. They also stay attuned
to whether clients are remaining accountable to expend the time,
energy and effort needed to progress and reach their objectives.

Many professional coaches, including those trained in the
CINERGY™ model, do not provide clients with strategies, advice or
opinions. Rather, they help chem cap into their own inner resources
and intuition, trusting that clients are the authority on their decisions
and are responsible for their own actions. The philosophy of the International
Coach Federation resonates with the CINERGY™ model:

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