Home Concepts Adult Development Setting the Stage and Generativity One

Setting the Stage and Generativity One

62 min read

Estranged from his ex-wife and children, Dan decided to pursue graduate studies at a private university in Southern California, where he earned his Ph. D. in physics in 1971. He so impressed his major professors that Dan was invited to join the graduate faculty of the university as an assistant professor of physics. He then remarried and had a son with his new wife, who was a young assistant professor of English at the university. Over a period of 13 years, Dan quickly moved through the professorial ranks and established a stellar reputation in physics research. This led him to being appointed Provost of the university and, ultimately, its president. After serving as university president for 18 years, Dan and his wife decided to retire in Northern California.

Avid fly fishermen and outdoor enthusiasts, Dan and his wife moved to Grass Valley, California, in 1993. There Dan discovered the nonprofit world and served with distinction as board president of an environmental organization and then a healthcare nonprofit. Due to his background in higher education and nonprofit leadership, he was invited to become part of the Center for Nonprofit Leadership Sage Leadership Project. He became a member of the ten-person team who interviewed the 100 sage community leaders. Dan recently celebrated his 78th birthday and 35th wedding anniversary. He and his wife make frequent visits to Utah and Wyoming to be with their three grandchildren.

Dale Richards

Dale is a native of Springfield, Missouri. He attended a major private university in St. Louis and graduated with a BS degree in electrical engineering. Dale initially worked in the aircraft industry in St. Louis and received a deferment from military service during the Vietnam War. He married his childhood sweetheart, and they settled in New Jersey, where he began a swift rise in the telecommunications industry. Dale and his wife parented two children, but they divorced in 1972. Dale’s advancement through senior positions in New Jersey resulted in frequent moves across the country (Chicago, San Francisco), during which he met his present wife. Before retiring in 1990, Dale earned national recognition for the many patents he had developed during his telecommunications career.

Their love of Northern California, where Dale and his second wife vacationed for many years, led the couple to decide on Grass Valley as their retirement home. Because he was always involved in civic organizations during his professional career (e.g., twice chairing the national United Way Campaign for his company), Dale naturally took to volunteering for various nonprofit organizations in Grass Valley and Nevada City. He also routinely offered pro bono services to many of the region’s nonprofit organizations and, in 2011, was invited by the Center for Nonprofit Leadership to join the ten-person team who were to interview 100 community Sage leaders. Dale recently celebrated his 78th birthday and 25th wedding anniversary. He and his wife continue to enjoy many visits with their five grandchildren in the Midwest.

Sally Johnson

Sally is a native of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, and she attended a reputable Southern liberal arts college where she graduated with a BA in sociology; it’s also where she met her husband. After graduation Sally and her husband sought careers in Washington, DC; in time, Sally became a major fund raiser for the National Republican Party. She then served as a senior White House adviser in Richard Nixon’s White House. During this period Sally and her husband parented a son and daughter, and both became involved in anti-Vietnam War protests. Fatigued by the hubris of Washington, DC, politics, Sally and her husband moved to Los Angeles, and she established a nonprofit organization that served under-privileged children. Over time her innovation and leadership attracted the attention of the Mayor of Los Angeles, and she was awarded “Citizen of the Year” recognition in 1992.

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