Home Concepts Decison Making & Problem Solving Finding What is Essential in a VUCA-Plus World II: Enablement, Perspective and Learning

Finding What is Essential in a VUCA-Plus World II: Enablement, Perspective and Learning

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The outcomes can usually be assessed using quantitative measures. While, as we shall see in the next set of essays, the outcomes associated with the Lenses of Essence are best assessed in a qualitative manner, those related to Essentials lend themselves to numerical rather than narrative assessments (Bergquist and Weitz, 2024). A Return on Investment (ROI) is often appropriate (Phillips and Phillips, 2008), as is an assessment such as Intentional Analysis that is focused at any one moment on distance from a desired baseline (Bergquist and Mura, 2014).  The key point to be made is that the baselines assigned to a specific project or program as well as the assessments made of these baselines must be flexible—for any polystatic process is dynamic with feedback frequently (if not constantly) adjusting the baseline and creating new conditions for its assessment. As with Miller, Galanter and Pribram’s T.O.T.E. model that I introduced in the previous essay, Polystasis requires an ongoing “testing” of the actions taken, the information gained from this action, and the revised desirability of any specific outcome.

Having provided further clarity regarding the Essential lens graphic and in the previous essay, having described the ways in which the VUCA—Plus conditions of volatility and uncertainty can be transformed, I am now ready to focus on the four remaining conditions of VUCA-Plus: complexity, ambiguity, turbulence and contradiction

From Complexity to Enablement

I have already introduced the distinction to be drawn between complex and complicated systems. At this point, I want to extend this distinction a bit further by relating it to the ways in which VUCA-Plus complexity can be transformed into enablement. Specifically, it is not only that elements of a complex system are interconnected. It seems that opportunities also exist for any one of these elements to assist another connected element to be more successful. I identify this assistance as Enablement. Furthermore, some of the elements might hold a greater potential of being assistance than is the case with other elements. This is either because the enabling element is connected to many other elements (serving as a node in the system’s network) or because this element can provide much needed assistance (such as critical information, training and education, policies regarding safety or equity, or financial planning).

A colleague of mine served as both director of finance and director of strategic planning in her university. She had a great power of enablement in this institution. Another of my colleagues served for many years as Academic Vice President (AVP) and Director of Institutional Research in her college. Her capacity to enable came not only from her formal power as AVP but also as provider of critical information regarding broad institutional function.

A third colleague has combined his formal role as Director of Production in his organization with an informal role as a mentor and guide for young members of his organization. For many years, he would spend several hours after work on Friday going to a local bar with some of the newly minted employees in his own division (and more recently with young employees from all divisions). He listened to their stories, answered their questions, and recounted stories about the founding, successes and near disasters of this organization. A few beers helped; however, his caring and thoughtful manner was maximally enabling in bringing about this informal but invaluable new-employee orientation.

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