Home Concepts Decison Making & Problem Solving Finding What is Essential in a VUCA-Plus World III: Prioritization

Finding What is Essential in a VUCA-Plus World III: Prioritization

30 min read

While it is tempting to prioritize the resolution of Essential puzzles (which often present as “low hanging fruit”), this prioritization often diverts our attention and energy from problems, messes, dilemmas and polarities that must be addressed before puzzles can be resolved on a permanent basis. Conflicting, confusing and intertwined priorities (which are common in a VUCA-Plus world) will make it virtually inevitable for everyday puzzles to repeatedly pop up. We must get on which the difficult work of addressing issues of greater complexity and scope than puzzles—otherwise we are wasting our time. I have tried to make this process of resolving issues a bit easier by recommending several “transformational” processes in the first essay, in this essay and in the future essays in this series that make these issues somewhat more amenable to solution.

Finally, I suggest, as I did in the first essay, that one’s focus should be on nodes in a network. These are the points of intersection where valid and useful information is most likely to be concentrated and when the connection with many other parts of the system produces successful outcomes regarding this one Essential matter than much more like to Enable success regarding other Essential matters. For example, in the formation of plans to assist underserved populations in an urban or rural community, it is often of great value to identify the natural helping network(s) that already exist in this community. Typically, natural helping networks are sets of linkages among relatives, friends, and acquaintances, as well as informal and formal groups of service providers who interact at many different levels. These networks appear to revolve around a “central” person who is the focus of the network.  This central person is the Node of this network.

We will inevitably find Essential Nodes of assistance at the heart of any natural helping network. These are the people, informal assistance agencies or formal human service agencies to which members of this community already turn:

  • I go to Mrs. Flournoy when I need something to take for my headaches. She lives just down the street.
  • When my son began to play with the wrong kids, I go to that priest who runs the youth program that my son attends. Father Joseph really knows how to talk to his kids.
  • When there are rumors of a new COVID breakout in our neighborhood, I go to that supermarket on 46th Street and ask Janice, the pharmacist, about what is going on.

High priority should be given to influencing, reinforcing, and supplying new information to these nodes. This works much better than trying to establish the credibility and convenience of some new sources of information and support. While these networks and Nodes are likely to exist in community settings where many problems, messes, dilemmas and polarities abound, they are often excellent sources of information and support for addressing these issues. Effective tactics and strategies often reside in the head, heart and practices of those who serve as the invaluable Node of the network.

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