Home Concepts Decison Making & Problem Solving From Conflict to Collaboration: Creating Cultural Change Amidst Polarization

From Conflict to Collaboration: Creating Cultural Change Amidst Polarization

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Stage Five – Integrative communication

In Stage Five, the teams move from defensive and offensive communication techniques to genuine open communication techniques. The need for negotiation and intimidation lessened as the leadership and management groups began to communicate as a collaborative team with similar objectives and focus. During this stage, the president of a local union accepted a position as a first line manager for his based. Additionally, the parent company transferred the SVP into its leadership team as COO. A new SVP joined the process. Also, due to new contract negotiations, both groups asked to remain in this stage until a new contract was agreed upon. Coaching in this stage focused on developing meaningful relationships, leadership, and strategic thinking. Visible change during and after this stage included:

  • Local issues were resolved collaboratively without having to seek our support or the support of national or corporate level personnel.
  • Members of both groups became activists for the process in their parent organizations (corporate and national association) giving presentations to both boards.
  • The contract negotiations process changed to include meaningful conversations based in authentic care.
  • The two groups collaborate together to design and host front line employee appreciation days.


Just after the newly negotiated contract was signed, the parent airline merged with another large airline. Instead of being the sole regional airline, it was one of twelve. Since the new parent organization was based primarily of a different team of executives and a different culture, the process was no longer funded. However, the partnership did not end.

Stage Six – Sustainability & stewardship

In this last, current, and continuous phase, the group became self-sustaining. Today, in 2021, the partnership continues to be strong. The VP continues to be coached. A different MEC President and the VP practice transparent communication, collaborate, and problem solve together. Local bases, although less of them, continue partnership sessions. The commitment and accountability process thrives. Management and labor leadership mentor new participants and officers in the interaction guidelines. This has led to the highest customer satisfaction of all twelve regional airlines which then resulted in expanded flights and an additional hub.


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