Home Concepts Decison Making & Problem Solving Thinking Whole: Introducing 7-3-1

Thinking Whole: Introducing 7-3-1

13 min read

The foundation of Thinking Whole is illustrated by the visual summarization we have just presented. The beauty of this visualization is that it serves as a kind of “wireframe” structure for Thinking Whole and a step-by-step guide for achieving it.

Follow the steps in each phase to advance the thinking of the group. Each step lets the team focus on – 1. Where you are in the process. 2. What you need to focus on in each step. 3. Where you need to get to next in the process.

Instead of “thinking” (whatever that might be), each member of the team, and the team as a whole, can see and contribute to the progression of something they can visualize.

Everybody knows where we’re heading together. And that’s how Thinking Whole was born.

If you strip away the labels, you are left with a form for Thinking Whole. Here’s what you can perceive as a result of that form: There’s more on this subject in the essay named “The Form”.

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