COMMANDMENT V: Respect Father and Mother > Appreciation is Power
___ Appreciating what others bring
___ Team skills (e.g., building consensus, alignment)
___ Coaching skills; effective empowerment of people
___ Managing the details, not dropping anything out
COMMANDMENT VI: Don’t Kill > Anger Management
___ Regulating your own emotions (e.g., anger, fear)
___ Understanding your own emotions
COMMANDMENT VII: No Adultery > Walking Your Talk
___ Maintaining clarity on your ethical values
___ Matching your words and deeds; integrity
___ Tackling ethical
COMMANDMENT VIII: Don’t Steal > The Business of Giving Back
___ Contributing to others; always giving more than receiving
___ Adding value to people and/or organizations
COMMANDMENT IX: No False Witness: From Breakdown to Breakthrough
___ Thinking strategically; identification of what is missing, of blockages
___ Being powerful in the face of breakdowns; turning breakdowns into
___ Never ever, ever giving up; being fearless; undaunted by No
COMMANDMENT X: Don’t Covet > In Their Shoes
___ Enrollment: utilizing and integrating people’s existing agenda
___ Managing cultural diversity; standing in the shoes of the other person
___ Decoding another culture (organizational or national)
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January 24, 2023 at 7:33 pm
Dear Dr. Zweifel. I’m late to the game given the date of this article, but it’s a gamechanger. Your perspective and elucidation a very familiar (for me) text is incredible! I appreciate the nuances with each commandment and the related assessment. Thank you for generously sharing. Bless you!