Home Concepts Gestalt Principles The Practice of Creative Indifference

The Practice of Creative Indifference

3 min read

This is the same as any of us forcing our point of view on others, even it about the importance of sales, profit and growth.

Stevenson continues, “When we can return to an acceptance of chaos and order in a situation, and holding both equally without bias , creative energy emerges and unseen possibilities are emerge that always were there.”

In the simplest terms, Fritz Perls the Founder of Gestalt Therapy said that “by remaining alert in the center, we can acquire a creative ability of seeing both sides of an occurrence and of completing an incomplete half.  By avoiding a one-sided outlook, we gain a much deeper insight to the structure and function of the situation. For example, “the present is the ever-moving zero-point of the opposites past and future”, where creative indifference informs and balances the polar differentiation while not becoming it. (Perls, Hefferline, and Goodman. 1994. Gestalt Therapy)



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