What about Contradiction? In other essays regarding the crisis of expertise we have both identified the frequent presence of contradictory constructions and interpretations of reality. We suggest that these contradictions are even more prevalent now, with the heightened Angst associated with the other five conditions of VUCA-Plus. We must make decisions that take into account contradictory and polarizing values regarding thoughtful consideration of contemporary societal crises; furthermore, these decisions are subject to frequent review and modification as we try to navigate the perfect storm and prepare for present and future waves. Obviously, Turbulence and Contradiction are strongly influenced by and tightly interweave with all four of the VUCA challenges.
Given this preliminary description of VUCA-Plus we will briefly delve into the implications of each condition with regard to the pull toward authoritarianism (both right and left wing).
We are living in a world where there is rapid change in an unpredictable manner. Furthermore, from a systemic perspective, volatility involves multiple changes that are often interwoven with one another. The rapid changes, cyclical changes and chaotic changes of a white-water world are clearly evident. The personal impact of volatility on our sense of continuity and stability is profound.
We are often surprised and unprepared. Consequently, we look to some form of continuity and stability in our world—a safe rock on which we can land after falling into a turbulent stream. This rock might be something as innocuous as a local community organization or social club. It can also be found in a religious institution—or in a political institution. Today, we often find that the rock is found via social media on some website. And this website can offer misinformation and radical distortions of reality. It can also promote violence and allegiance to a particularly political cause or political leader. Authoritarian perspectives cure the ailment of volatility—but at quite a cost.
While we may seek to find a stable and predictable environment in our mid-21st Century life, we are liking instead to find a lack of continuity and resulting lack of clarity regarding what is going to happen from day to day in our life. There is an important systemic impact: it is hard to plan for the future or even for one or two days from now. Nothing seems to be permanently in place. We are forced to engage in contingency planning rather than planning in either a tactical or strategic manner. At a personal level, we must keep schedule and expectations quite flexible.
If we are not prepared for this high level of uncertainty, then rather than becoming flexible, we are likely to become rigid. We find one specific way to be in the world and look for other people who think and act in a similar manner. Together, we push for laws that enforce this one way of being in the world and seek to elect those leaders who are just as committed to this one way of thinking and acting. If we can’t elect them in a legitimately recognized manner, then we are likely to join with others in manipulating the existing system or simply imposed our own choices by force. Our rigidity leads to authoritarianism—as a cure for the seeming malady of uncertainty.