Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership Best Practice 5: CALIBRATOR of RESPONSIBILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY™ (BEING: Calibrator)


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BE-Attitudes of a Calibrator of Responsibility and Accountability

We would expect the core being, the essence of a Calibrator of Responsibility and Accountability, to include such BE-attitudes as responsible, consistent, accountable, vision-grounded, and a problem solver to begin the list. As we have stated before, however, a Legacy Leader’s BE-attitudes and aptitudes begin with a foundational core that all other attitudes and qualities will build upon or derive from. These core essentials are what allow the great leader to build leadership legacy, and apply learning to become true Calibrators of Responsibility and Accountability. We have listed the features we consider the Top Five BE-attitudes for your consideration in this Legacy Practice.

These are not listed in any order of importance. Brief descriptions follow.

A Legacy Leader, a Calibrator of Responsibility and Accountability, is:

  1. Results-Oriented

This person has a definite clarity of purpose and uses this clarity to drive behavior and performance to achieve results. These leaders have complete understanding of why they and others do anything, and always align their actions toward accomplishing goals and meeting vision. They never take their eye off desired results. There is very little to no “wasted motion” for these people. They tend to take advantage of every opportunity to produce results.

  1. An Analyst

This person has the ability to analyze, diagnose and evaluate information, situations, issues or the environment around them. This is generally an inherent trait, but can be developed with focused practice. These people are usually able to “take in” details and information automatically in a way that allows them to constantly be aware of the real picture, wherever they are, whatever they are doing. They notice things that others may miss, and generally use the information to maintain a truthful picture of situations and conditions.

  1. Vigilant/Committed

This person is constantly attentive and observant and able to “size up ” things quickly. These people tend to be watchful at all times.  This aptitude goes hand in hand with the one above, the ability to analyze. As the vigilant person takes in data, that data is analyzed automatically to yield accurate feedback on any situation at any time. Vigilant leaders are also committed to their vision and stated goals, and to their vigilance in keeping them.

  1. Aware/Alert

This person has either an inherent or practiced awareness of the world around them. These leaders are able, at any given time, to provide an accurate and truthful portrait of their environments. They are not only aware of details and whole pictures, but are also alert to potential changes. They generally have internal “markers” set as guidelines for analysis and comparison. Again, this attitude is a refinement of the ones above. An analyst must be able to take the information in, be alert, aware and vigilant in this data gathering process, in order to accurately diagnose and evaluate.

  1. Answerable

This person innately understands and practices responsibility and accountability. They hold themselves answerable to others to perform, and then liable to account for that performance. These leaders have complete awareness of the concept of action and reaction, behavior and consequences. They are guided by internal values and will model behavior that influences others to do the same. These people have no understanding of “ducking blame,” don ‘t engage in cover up s, and are completely open to scrutiny.


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