Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership Section One: Leadership Competencies

Section One: Leadership Competencies

12 min read

Leadership can be complex—especially as we consider how 21st Century organizations must be led effectively. Together with her colleague, Dr. Lee Smith, one of us [Dr. Jeannine Sandstrom] as co-editor of Curated 2020, has simplified and distinguished five core competency platforms and associated critical success skills for successful leadership. These platforms represent a complete set of observable and measurable behaviors.  The behaviors, when used in total, are leverage points for success.  We included those practices of leadership that are essential for every leader, regardless of their industry or level within the organization.

In this section of Curated 2020, we provide both essays and recorded interviews concerning the overall Legacy Leadership Model. We also provide essays that specifically summarize the nature of each Legacy Leadership competency as well as two other essays that have already been published in the Library of Professional Coaching. These essays provide perspectives that complement those offered in the Legacy Leadership Model—as well as exemplifying the commitment of the Legacy Leadership founders to being inclusive regarding the value inherent in many other models of leadership. Given the complexity of the contemporary challenges facing 21st Century leaders, all viable theories of leadership are welcomed!

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