Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership Section One: Leadership Competencies

Section One: Leadership Competencies

12 min read

Best Practice 1 – Holder of Vision and Values™

Three essays are associated with this best practice, one focusing on the best practice itself and the other two providing concepts that complement this best practice, but also offer a somewhat different perspective.

Best Practice 1: Holder of Vision and Values™ (Being: Holder)

In this essay, the critical success skills associated with this best practice are identified, as are the BE attitudes that aligns with this practice. This essay concerns the ability to keep vision and values clear, sustain focus and clarity, develop and execute strategy, establish the measureables, and gain commitment to action.

Avalon and Glastonbury

In King Arthur’s legend, Glastonbury symbolized a visible city and Avalon an invisible city.  Each, however, occupied the same physical territory. Only a few individuals like Merlin, the King’s Counsel, knew how to find their way between the two. In fact, most people no longer even knew of Avalon’s existence; let alone how to get there. By analogy, each of today’s corporations, government agencies, and communities includes these same two dimensions.

Counterfeit Leadership

Some leaders are causing irreparable damage to great institutions by shirking their responsibilities. They’re afraid to address difficult issues, make tough decisions, and introduce the change that’s required to achieve long-term success. Instead, these “counterfeit leaders” spend much of their time playing politics, protecting their turf, and promoting their self-interests.

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