21. The three characteristics most often associated with sage leadership are unusual experience, sound judgment, and wisdom. What does having wisdom mean to you?
Wisdom means listening, acknowledging what you do not know, seeking as much information as you possibly can, and then deciding to act or not act.
22. You probably know other individuals who have sage leadership talents and skills but are not currently involved in the civic life of our community. Why do you believe they choose to be uninvolved? What, if anything, might be done to get them engaged?
Many people I know work long hours and have young families. Time is a very limited commodity for them. Their involvement could be increased by coming up with projects that are family friendly and flexible in scheduling.
23. One final question: It is often said that the quality of life in our community is highly attractive and unusual. Do you believe this to be true? (If yes): What are the three or four things about our community that you most value and make you want to continue living here?
I love the natural beauty that surrounds us. I love the small town nature that enables the creation of relationships and sense of connectedness with everyone else. I love the accessibility of everything to the area – we are close to the mountains, close to the ocean, close to the big “city” and yet live in a rural area.
24. Is there anything else you’d like to say as we close?
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