15. What are the one or two peak experiences that set you on the path you’re on today?
Having the life I have today is a peak experience. It is a life I visualized and a life that seemed impossible when I first thought of it. I met with a “success team” once a week for many years and each of us worked on our goals. At the time I felt stuck in my work, I was single and I lived in a condo in Silicon Valley. Living in the country, falling in love and getting married, flying, having horses, and doing work I was passionate about seemed a million miles away. But each week we’d bring our goals to the table and take some small step forward. And, it all happened. And it continues to happen.
16. You probably know other individuals who have emerging sage leadership talents and skills but are not currently involved in the civic life of our community. Why do you believe they choose to be uninvolved? What, if anything, might be done to get them engaged?
I interact with a lot of involved people and I haven’t met many folks recently who aren’t involved in our community in some way. Of course, some have small children or family obligations, but they still get involved in their kids’ school and activities. I feel very fortunate to know so many people who are involved and engaged.
17. One final question: It is often said that the quality of life in our community is highly attractive and unusual. Do you believe this to be true? (If yes): What are the three or four things about our community that you most value and make you want to continue living here?
Absolutely. I feel safe and valued here. People smile and talk to you rather than averting their gaze. Because we’re a small community, you know you’re going to run into people so we’re more civil and we cut each other more slack than when there’s more anonymity. I also really like being in in a place where everyone lives by choice, not simply because of their job. People are consciously making the choice to live here, and that’s one of the most amazing things about this place.
18. Is there anything else you’d like to say or ask as we close?
No, we’ve covered so much I don’t think there’s anything else that needs to be said.
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