Another emerging sage leader expresses her leadership role this way:
My leadership in the areas of administration and strategic planning has helped us to begin evolving from an all-volunteer group of passionate individuals into an organization with paid staff, good bylaws, a better sense of our tangible goals, clearer agendas, and more work being done through committees. We need a strong functioning board, and I’m helping us move toward that.
Emerging sages also help their favored organization by offering specialized expertise. This involves such things as providing staff training and professional development, planning and implementing social activities, developing organizational outcome objectives, and helping to integrate services. One mentions her role in strengthening systems:
Although it’s a small organization, there are certain systems that need to be in place no matter what the size. I think in terms of systems – both administrative and strategic—so I’ve been able to bring some systems and tools to the organization, including communications.
Promoting and developing collaboration is another way in which emerging sage leaders most help their favored organization. Sometimes this involves strengthening connections between nonprofit organizations and government services. At other times it requires representing their agency in community partnerships or in communicating with other organizations and community members:
I have most helped by carrying public health beyond the four walls of the health department with community-based collaborative efforts. I have also helped to develop a chronic disease prevention program with non-traditional partners, like nonprofits, environmental groups, and transportation and agriculture.
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