I over-extended myself when I was having very serious health issues. I was really sick from October 2008 until April 2010 because of overlapping illnesses. If I were to do it over again, I would have prioritized my health more.
I want to say no. But honestly, because I am so passionate about my work, it is really easy to allow myself to become wholly consumed by it. This hasn’t been good for my personal life. Recently, I separated from my partner of eighteen years, and my consuming passion for my work definitely was one of the factors. I did not have a healthy work-life balance, and that clearly impacted my personal relationship.
About an equal number of emerging sage leaders say their civic involvements do not require personal sacrifice, and they offer three reasons: personal fulfillment, family involvement, obligation:
I don’t feel there is sacrifice because what I choose to put my energy into are things that I’m really passionate about. I don’t get involved out of a sense of “should” because I realize that those things don’t give me energy.
I’m fortunate to have a wife who is actively involved. We enjoy doing these things together.
This is a life I have chosen and feel I have been called to. So I don’t see my civic involvement as something outside of my life. It permeates everything I think about and do. There is no disconnect between it and my teaching, coaching, family, and the property we live on. It is all connected and is the best it can be.
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