Gary Quehl and William Bergquist
I have run across people who have sage qualities but aren’t engaged civically. Some are burned-out, either by being used too much or by becoming disenchanted with what they were working on and who they were working with. Senior Sage Leader
Because the time that most senior sages have isn’t invested as much in work and family as emerging sages, many point to different reasons that more seniors with sage qualities aren’t civically involved in the community. Three head their list: burn-out, fatigue, and personal traps; other interests and activities that are found to be more satisfying; and self-centeredness.
Burn-Out, Fatigue and Personal Traps
Many potential senior sages are thought to be exhausted from a lifetime of responsibility and hard work; understandably, they now want others to assume responsibility for the community’s civic life:
Download Article 1K ClubI think some of these people have worked so damn hard all of their lives that their idea is, “I’ve done it. I just want to fish and relax and let someone else carry the load.” Others are discouraged because they possess conservative values and are greatly bothered by some of what they see today. So rather than trying to change things they just withdraw and say, “Screw it.”