Gary Quehl and William Bergquist
I love the look on their faces, the feeling of success, and knowing I was able to move the ball forward for them. It is very rewarding. Emerging Sage Leader
The motivations that sage leaders attribute to their civic involvements, and the benefits they receive from them, are closely linked. But benefits possess a different quality than motivations. Emerging and senior sage leaders all identify with the rich source of human talent and energy that exists in the community. Like the founders of Grass Valley and Nevada City, they see gold in the foothills—but the gold is human capital rather than a mineral. Both emerging and senior sage leaders greatly benefit from the opportunity to access these resources through their civic engagements, and they witness these resources expanding in value to themselves and their community.
Five themes define the benefits that emerging sage leaders receive from their civic involvements, and the leading one is personal satisfaction and fulfillment:
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The great feeling that comes from giving back, of being involved with our youth and knowing I am impacting their lives, is a tremendous personal benefit. Those students will remain in our community and be our future contributors. Being involved with them also helps to keep me young.