Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership Cross Cultural Analyses Safari So Good! Reflections of Tanzania (Lessons from the Serengeti)

Safari So Good! Reflections of Tanzania (Lessons from the Serengeti)

4 min read

Although this was not your typical safari of the well-to-do with all the conveniences of luxury lodges and linen tablecloths for dinner, I was pleasantly surprised at the amenities we did have, including delicious food, wine, Guinness and Kilimanjaro beer with dinner. We had hot showers in the afternoon from a solar shower set up in the open. When arriving at the next camp, it was a relief to see the tents all set up, coffee and tea on the fire and dinner being prepared.

There is much more to tell about my many adventures and the changes that have occurred in me both visibly and at a cellular level. I believe and feel that walking, camping, and standing on that ancient earth has begun transforming me in ways I don’t yet realize. I feel a new vitality, a new connection, and a new strength of passion for this planet and its inhabitants. And I am glad to be home with my wife, my friends and family. I am grateful that I live in the modern world, but also aware that sometimes it is a bit too modern.

More stories soon. . .

With Tanzania in my heart and soul I finish this narrative for now ~


[Extraordinary pictures accompany the pdf version of this essay, which is available as a download below.]

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  1. Patrick williams

    August 9, 2015 at 5:48 am

    Just so you know..this INVENTURE was in 2007!


  2. miry Kornhauser

    August 9, 2015 at 1:04 pm

    What a beautiful article!
    It takes a special men to even decide to go on a trip like that and be able to enjoy it and get into you
    I am also against hunting but am not a vegetarian. And since I see human beings as animals, it makes sense that we ate animals. But no animal wears another animal as a decoration…


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