Home Concepts Teams Collective Intelligence: Proposed Categorization of Approach

Collective Intelligence: Proposed Categorization of Approach

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Additionally, defining expectations is critical. Clarifying possible agendas, setting guidelines for exchange, and identifying possible time restrictions will shape the scope of what is being created and the likelihood of success.

However, most significant elements are the intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom each person brings to the group. The sought after background, honed expertise, and ability to apply their personal knowledge in relation to the subject matter are imperative qualities for the participating individuals to possess. Identifying the type of knowledge, resources, and capabilities desired in the individuals forming the group and their willingness to share them determines the likelihood that the intended outcome will be generated.

The development of intelligence from the assembled collective group, as its source, is founded upon the collective intelligence already familiar to the members of the group. From within, a body of thought representative of multiple perspectives, a wide breadth of experience and expertise, and various thinking styles and levels of conscious awareness is unlocked for transformation into the next generation of intelligence.

It might be sufficient to leave the exploration of collective intelligence there. However, by doing so the methodology and process of synthesizing the many individual threads that contribute to the nature of collective intelligence is lost. Methodology and process are key factors in mining the collective wisdom of a group and should not be overlooked.

Collaborative Intelligence

Within the process of creating collective intelligence there is a birthing of thinking that leads to unexpected awareness and surprising results. The brilliance lies in the interaction that exposes a new body of thought and initiates formulation of new intelligence: the opportunity for collaborative thinking, brainstorming, and conversations from which new information, knowledge, and intelligence emerges. It’s simply not a circumstance of bringing people together. There is focused purposeful action, methodology, and planning required.

When the focus is on the interaction, including the methodology and the process of synthesizing data, ideas, and wisdom, the term ‘collective intelligence’ may not be sufficient. Collective refers to more than one source of intelligence, however, if the interaction of creating the intelligence is what is most important then, perhaps, the term ‘collaborative intelligence’ is more accurate. Collaborative intelligence is intelligence derived from focused, possibly facilitated, interaction between a multiple people whose purpose is to engage in a process or methodology aimed to specifically produce new knowledge and/or awareness.

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