Home Research Case Studies Establishing Core Values & Core Purpose to Develop More Meaningful Service Delivery: Coaching in Not for Profit Sector

Establishing Core Values & Core Purpose to Develop More Meaningful Service Delivery: Coaching in Not for Profit Sector

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Sector: Not for Profit
Assignment: Establishment of Core Values & Core Purpose to Develop More Meaningful Service Delivery to
Clients & Improved Communication to Stakeholders
Period: 2005


A high profile Charity, based in Scotland, with influence across the whole of the UK in a particularly sensitive social area, required assistance & guidance on how to develop an understanding of its core values and core purpose to drive improvements in its service delivery to clients & in all aspects of stakeholder communications.


• To establish with the senior executive management team the core values & core purpose of the organisation’s activities
• To align the workforce of behind the core values & with the core purpose to deliver increases in service levels & quality of client management to individuals at local community levels
• To use the agreed values & core purpose to reinforce the organisation’s sector credentials & positioning, to facilitate discussion around brand usage, partnering, reporting, & their application to future communication activity for service users & for stakeholders on multiple levels from Government to the individual
• To facilitate the use of core values, core purpose to assist with:
– Clarity of service level agreements particularly at local levels
– The development of increased continuity in managing policy development covering diverse groups & geographies
– To increase awareness of the charity’s activities, aimed particularly at stakeholders & funding partners
– To consider how core values & core purpose would impact on activities over time to increase performance levels


Use of a values assessment instruments to assess commonality & alignments of values within the management team & the stakeholder groups
• Workshops
• Feedback loops


Over a period of eight to nine months the organisation reached agreement on core values, core purpose, and developed a clear understanding of how these credentials could be immediately applied to all of the organisation’s internal & external activities.

The complete overhaul of all processes, service manuals & procedures, internal & external communication materials to meet increasingly stringent compliance reporting and regulatory service delivery requirements
©Myron Partnership: 2009

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