Home Research Evidence Based A Perfect Paradox

A Perfect Paradox

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This treadmill has become a new kind of religion where the name of the God is Results. There is a powerful, rich culture of the devil’s work when it comes to opposing Results. The opposing forces are human nature, laziness, bureaucracy, poor leadership, inadequate resources, competition, lack of time, politics, government, lack of training, getting old. And, as with religion, there are countless arguments about the best ways to produce the final goal, in this case Results. None of these arguments are ever conclusive and all assure that the engaged conversation will never end. Finally, since results are always temporary, based on the most recent measurement, and you are immediately called to getting the next result, nobody ever wins. It’s the same as needing to die and go to heaven before you find out whether or not you won.

Whose Paradigm is this anyway?

Executive Coaching is typically aimed at some kind of result from people whose results are not good enough for them, or for someone else. Maybe, we should sometimes shift to coaching someone to stop producing results so that they can have a life.

Copyright@April 2012

Charles E Smith Ph.D

Kairos Productions Inc.

803 Buena Vista Drive

Eustis, Florida 32726


By George Robinson

Couldn’t agree with you more.


Henri (Rousseau)

(George is retired and was Legal Counsel to the Smithsonian Institution  and an early commentator,  both in practice and academically to the development of U.S. Space Law. He taught space law and various courses in space commercialization at different universities in the US and Europe and as published over 100 articles and books on the subject).


By David Norris

I loved what you wrote. Maybe instead of seeing this insight as a condemnation of the drive to produce results, it can be the basis for a new definition of what a result must be in order to be considered valid. That is, maybe a result only counts as such when one has managed to enhance aliveness within as well as produce an effect without.

And, ironically, right on cue, this morning I received an advertisement from Amazon for a new book by Clayton Christensen titled “How Will you Measure Your Life?” (below).


By Woody Beville

1. A piece written by my(our) friend, Charlie Smith……Enjoy!! >> >>

2. Response from someone on his mailing list. (anonymous) >> >> Charlie is a liberal. He should know that good intentions are enough >> for a lib. Results are only required by conservatives……… >> >>

3. Woody’s response to the response: Charlie has made quite a good living consulting with CEO’s of merit.  His unique abilities reside in his skill: the intricate work (with leaders and their teams) to combine the achievement of unchallengeable good results and personally-moving ‘good results’ with sustained self-motivation. >> >>

4. Charlie’s response to the criticism: I agree with the responder. My experience with executives and people around the world is that conservatives do pay way more attention to results than liberals, and liberals pay way more attention to good intentions than conservatives…….and this is one of the reasons there are so many intractable problems in the world with culture, sustainable growth and engagement in companies and families. Most liberals and most conservatives annoy me. The response was a bit reflexive from one side with assumptions about the other. Politics was the last thing on my mind when I wrote this but his point is well taken. >>

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